ARIES Management

ARIES Management

ARIES is a large consortium of many different partners, and the management of ARIES is transparent, responsive, equitable and experienced. We place heavy emphasis on integration and empowerment of collaborative partners, postgraduate researchers, and academic colleagues throughout our organisation.

The operational purpose and membership of our Boards is described below.

Advisory Board (AB)

The overall direction of the DTP is guided by an Advisory Board drawn from our research user community. It promotes links between academic, policy, and collaborative partner communities within and beyond ARIES. It advises on maximising impact from ARIES research on society, industry, policy, and the wider scientific arena; and how best to realise the career aspirations of ARIES PGRs.

Dr Lucinda Gilfoyle, Anglian Water – Catchment & Coastal Strategy Manager
Chair of the Advisory Board
Lu manages the AW Catchment Management Strategy which is about preventing pollution from getting into our raw waters in the first place, rather than relying upon ‘end of pipe’ treatment solutions to remove it once it is there. This approach requires working in partnership with a large number of both internal and external stakeholders. Her team comprises of coastal, biodiversity and agricultural experts who work closely alongside operational teams to deliver water quality outputs for both marine waters and, sources used for abstraction.
Lu’s background is in Operations and she has held a number of managerial positions across our Water, Operational Management Centre and Water Recycling departments. She is also trained in both a Gold and Silver Command.  She has a degree in Environmental Toxicology and a PhD in Water Treatment and is a Chartered Environmentalist. Lu was awarded Chartered Environmentalist of the year by the Society for the Environment in 2015 and is a fellow of the Institute of Water. She is also the Chair of the Institute of Water Eastern Area.
Professor Iain Stewart, Jordan-UK El Hassan bin Talal Research Chair in Sustainability, Royal Scientific Society in Jordan
Iain’s research expertise is in geohazards and recent geological change, alongside interests in promoting geoscience to the public.
Much of Iain’s geocommunication activities stem from his 15 year partnership with BBC Science, making television documentaries on the nature, history and state of the planet.
As well as receiving an MBE for services to UK geoscience in the 2013 Birthday Honours list, he has received awards for geoscience communication from numerous international geoscientific bodies. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Iain is also President of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and of the Devon Wildlife Trust.
Much of Iain’s work involves international capacity-building around geo-environmental science communication, and in 2018 his Plymouth post was recognised as a UNESCO Chair of Geoscience and Society.
Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist, Natural England
Tim is a member of Natural England’s Senior Executive who, alongside his wider organisational leadership role, has specific responsibility for the use and quality of science & evidence in Natural England.
Tim has worked for Natural England, its predecessor English Nature and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee for over 20 years in various leadership, management and specialist roles including: marine ecology; marine and terrestrial nature conservation; protected areas designation, management and regulation; wildlife management; access; and team and project management
Tim has a PhD in Marine Ecology (University of Liverpool) and a joint honours degree in Marine Biology and Zoology (University College North Wales).
Tim has been a member of Natural England’s Senior Executive since December 2014, with former senior leadership roles including Director Regulatory Services and Access and Director of Evidence. Tim has been Natural England’s Chief Scientist since 2011.
Dr Stuart Rogers, Chief Scientist Cefas
Stuart is an experienced marine scientist with a strong track record of building Cefas’ reputation and customer base. He has had a lot of operational experience through direct management and accounting responsibility as Director of Environment and Ecosystem science teams, and has published widely in the peer-reviewed literature.  He is also actively involved in delivering science and evidence to government as a senior adviser to Defra Marine and Fisheries, and providing support for UK government in Europe.  Through the Cefas Management Board he now has corporate responsibility for strategy and science planning, implements the Cefas Science and Evidence Strategy, and delivers our Ministerial Indicators for science output and self-investment.  He is responsible for the strategic direction of Cefas science and is accountable for the quality of evidence and advice to our customers.

Strategy Board (SB)

The Strategy Board is responsible for the overall running of the DTP, and for all aspects of policy and strategy development; under the advice of the Advisory Board. It is responsible for the assessment of project proposals; allocation of studentships; monitoring DTP and overall training progress against success criteria set by NERC and the Advisory Board, and reporting to NERC.

Members of the Strategy Board

Prof Kevin Hiscock
ARIES Director and Chair of the ARIES Strategy Board
Professor of Environmental Sciences
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Prof David Bilton
ARIES Deputy Director
Professor of Aquatic Biology
School of Biological and Marine Sciences , University of Plymouth
Prof Greg Price
ARIES Deputy Director
Professor of Earth Sciences
School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences
Prof Alex Dickson
Head of Impact
Lecturer in Geochemistry, Department of Earth Sciences
Royal Holloway University of London
Prof Parvadha Suntharalingam
Head of Training, Chair of Training and Progression Panel
Professor of Environmental Sciences
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Prof Corinne Whitby
Head of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Widening Participation
Professor in Life Sciences
School of Life Sciences, University of Essex

Prof Jim Groombridge
Head of Multidisciplinarity,
Professor of Biodiversity Conservation
School of Anthropology & Conservation, University of Kent
Dr Ruth Airs
Head of Wellbeing/non-HEI hosting partner representative
Senior Analytical Biogeochemist and Head of Postgraduate studies
Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Ms Melanie Steele
Head of Quality and Information
Postgraduate Research Service, University of East Anglia
Dr Annie Winson
Hosting Partner Representative
Hazard and Vulnerability Specialist
British Geological Survey
Prof David Richardson
Hosting Partner Representative
Hazard and Vulnerability Specialist
School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia
Dr John Ewen
Hosting Partner Representative
Research Fellow
Institute of Zoology-Zoological Society of London
Dr Rob Robinson
Hosting Partner Representative
Associate Director, Research
British Trust for Ornithology
Dr Nick Isaac
Hosting Partner Representative
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Dr Kelsey Byers
Hosting Partner Representative,
Group Leader, Building Robustness in Crops (BRiC), Harnessing Biosynthesis for Sustainable Food and Health (HBio)
John Innes Centre
Prof Geraint Tarling
Hosting Partner Representative
Science Leader
British Antarctic Survey

Dr Jose De Vega
Hosting partner representative
Group Leader, Agricultural Biodiversity and Genomics
Earlham Institute
Prof Michael Cunliffe
Hosting Partner Representative
Lecturer, School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Plymouth
Research Fellow, Marine Biological Association
Dr Eoin O’Gorman
Hosting partner representative
Lecturer, School of Life Sciences
University of Essex
Dr Rob Holland
Collaborative Partner Representative
Development & Assurance Lead (Techniques)
Oil Spill Response Ltd
Dr Stephen Dye
Collaborative Partner Representative,
Physical Oceanographer, Cefas
Honorary Lecturer, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Dr Alice Brewer
ARIES Operational Manager
Doctoral Training Partnerships Officer
Postgraduate Research Service, University of East Anglia
Dr Clare Le Brecht
Collaborative Partner Representative
Senior Associate – Environment and Sustainability
Mott MacDonald
Dr Robert Hawkes
Collaborative Partner Representative
Conservation Scientist
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Dr Antony Birchill
Collaborative Partner Representative
Extenal Engagement Specialist
Environment Agency
Ms Becky Turner
ARIES Cohort 2 representative
PhD Candidate, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology | Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology.
Ms Liliana Fischer
ARIES Cohort 3 representative
PhD Candidate, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia
Ms Eileen Gallacher
ARIES Cohort 3 representative
PhD Candidate, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Mr Matthew Staitis
ARIES Cohort 4 representative
PhD Candidate, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia