Liliana Fischer

Liliana Fischer


I graduated from the University of Konstanz, Germany with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Biological Sciences in 2021, majoring in behaviour, ecology and evolution.

I was always fascinated with nature and the little wonders and stories you can find in it and I am very happy to have chosen a profession that enables me to understand nature and its processes better and that will hopefully lead to developing ways to conserve it. The impact of climate change on ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity are of great concern to me. Wanting to address these issues in my work led me to the projects I have done so far. For my bachelor thesis I looked at the impact of climate change on the capacity to self-fertilize in Mimulus guttatus by simulating different temperature regimes. During my master studies I started getting interested in social animal structures and pollinator communities. My thesis focused on the sublethal effects of popular agrochemicals on the colony development and brood caring behaviour in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. I conducted field experiments, using wild colonies as well as working in the lab, designing a novel bioassay to be included in official risk assessments of such agrochemicals.

Liliana Fischer

Ecology and Biodiversity

PhD title: The Ageing Bee: How does Sociality Affect Ageing in Social Animals?

The worldwide decline of wild pollinators is alarming and to little is known about these fascinating species and their social organization. To understand the processes of aging, means to understand life histories and social structures. What affects the longevity and aging of a bumblebee worker? Is it individual or group level factors? And how come there are phases in the colony cycle where the new born workers seem to show a greater longevity? Using experimental and genetic approaches, I want to investigate the connection between sociality and aging in the bumblebee Bombus terestris and try to discriminate between individual- and group-level hypotheses – hoping to shed some more light onto the fascination that is a bumblebee colony in order to understand them better to be able to protect them and pollinating insects like them.


    Razanajatovo, Mialy, Liliana Fischer, and Mark van Kleunen. "Do floral traits and the selfing capacity of Mimulus guttatus plastically respond to experimental temperature changes?." Oecologia 192.1 (2020): 261-272.