Siyu Meng

Siyu Meng


PhD student in environmental science in the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. My primary research interests involve studying the interactions between bio-physical feedbacks and ocean physics and how this influences climate variability and change. I also conduct research into the ocean-desert processes and its linkage with Pacific Decadal Oscillation, with a particular focus on North Pacific ocean desert. I have experience in numerical modelling, Neural Networks, satellite data analysis and onboard phytoplankton incubation experiment.

PhD title: Ocean surface radiant heating by phytoplankton: processes and feedbacks driven by climate variability and change

Previous studies have shown that marine ecosystem plays an important role in regulating climate. Marine phytoplankton strongly influences biogeochemical processes in the ocean and contributes approximately half of the global primary production. However, one of the direct and important impacts of phytoplankton on climate systems has received relatively little attention, namely the bio-physical feedbacks by which chlorophyll and the related pigments in phytoplankton absorb solar radiation and then change sea surface temperature. However, our understanding of this mechanism is mainly limited to specific areas e.g. Arctic, and such bio-physical impact is not considered in some earth system and climate models, nor is its impact on the climate quantified. This project will aim to use UK Earth system model (UKESM) coupled with biogeochemical model to investigate the impact of Chl-induced heating on sea surface temperature and thus ocean dynamical processes, and further understand how climate variability and change impact Chl-induced heating process and its feedback to climate.


    Meng, S., Gong, X., Yu, Y., Yao, X., Gong, X., Lu, K., Zhang, C., Shi, J., Yu, X. and Gao H. Strengthened ocean-desert process in the North Pacific over the past two decades. Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16(2):24-34


  • Poster in 7th UK National Climate Dynamics Workshop
  • Oral presentation in the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)-2020 Annual meeting
  • Best Posters in the International Conference on Process, Mechanism and Prediction of Marine Dynamic and Environment and 2nd National Graduate Research Symposium on Marine Environment

Awards and prizes

China Scholarship Council (CSC) Postgraduate Ph.D. Fellowship in 2022

Best debater in World Mandarin Debating Championship

Other information

Outstanding Volunteer of “World Environment Day” conferred by Shandong Society of Environmental Science

