Solomon Udochi

Solomon Udochi

Solomon Udochi

Solomon Udochi

Case study

Solomon Udochi is an EnvEast (the precursor to ARIES) alumnus working as a Postdoc at the University of Edinburgh. He is passionate about marine ecotoxicology and pollution.

What inspired you to undertake a PhD?

To put it simply, I just wanted to be an expert. I was always fascinated by the amount of knowledge I could get from a PhD. I watched expert reports on TV, and I really wanted to be that person that expands my field – that’s what motivated me most strongly. Working as an Assistant Lecturer, I also needed a PhD to be promoted back in my home university.

What drew you to ARIES/EnvEast?

I was actually an associated student. My supervisor told me about ‘EnvEast’ and that he had registered me there. I guess his motivation was that it was going to provide helpful training. He knew I was interested in leadership as well, so he thought it would be useful for me. I’m really grateful that he enrolled me. Most of the people I had close relationships with during my PhD were from EnvEast. And through these residential programs, I met a lot of people and learned quite a bit. UEA was great; my experience was generally positive. And I tell people, ‘Have a look at UEA.’ The knowledge I gained from doing a PhD has been beneficial for my progress, so far.

What are you currently working on?

I’m a postdoc at the University of Edinburgh. My specialisation in the PhD was in marine ecotoxicology, assessing metal pollution in contaminated estuaries. Now, I’m a bit branched out in my research, albeit still working on something related to metal pollution, but in contaminated soils, not marine ecosystems.

Has your background and identity influenced your approach to research and your scientific journey?

My research training and multidisciplinary background has provided me with the skills to approach research questions from multiple dimensions and solve a wider range of problems. This has paid off, for example, in having to combine skills in geochemistry, ecology, ecotoxicology, and molecular biology in the key projects that I am currently involved with.

Overall, I also try to be conscious of the extra scrutiny often imposed on those of us from minority ethnic backgrounds and make sure that I represent this community with the utmost dignity.

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Solomon Udochi